Registered Education Savings Plan

Thinking about saving for your child's future education expenses? Look no further than the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP).

RESPs are one of the best and most popular ways to save money specifically designed for post-secondary education. A Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) is a great way to save for your child’s future education. With the potential for free money from grant programs and the ability to earn compound interest over time, you can easily start building financial security for those years ahead when your kids enter college or university. Investing in an RESP can set them up to pursue their dreams without financial burden. Plus, it provides parents with peace of mind knowing that they have saved and are prepared when the time comes!

In addition, through the BC Training and Education Savings Grant (BCTESG), the provincial government will contribute $1,200 to eligible children; this grant requires no matching contributions, so families who can’t afford to put aside savings can still start an RESP and watch their investment grow over time.

So why wait? Start investing in your little one’s education today with a RESP.

Key Benefits
Receive Matching Grants

In many cases, your RESP contribution will be eligible for federal and even provincial matching grants, allowing your savings to go further.

Benefit from Compound Interest

By combining Fisgard’s compound interest investment with the $7,200 Canada Education Savings Grant, you can build a substantial post-secondary education fund over time.

Enjoy Peace of Mind

With an adequately funded RESP, students can focus on what matters most — their education and future.

Discover a Better Way to Invest

Achieve your financial goals with investment solutions that work for you. Let’s get started.